Editorial board

Aghasyan Ararat – Art History Doctor, NAS RA corresponding member, director of the Institute of Arts, NAS RA
Devrikyan Vardan - Doctor of Philology, Director of the Institute of Literature, NAS RA
Kharatyan Albert – Doctor of History, Corresponding member of NAS RA, Chief editor of the Journal of Armenian Studies.
Katvalyan Viktor – Doctor of Philology, Director of the Institute of Language, NAS RA
Hovakimyan Vache – Candidate of Historical Sciences, director of “Gitutyun” publishing house
Hovhannisyan Nikolay – Doctor of History, Corresponding member of NAS RA
Ghazinyan Gagik – Doctor of Juridical Sciences, NAS RA academician, Dean of the Faculty of Law, YSU.
Melkonyan Ashot - Doctor of History, NAS RA academician, Director of the Institute of History, NAS RA
Poghosyan Gevorg – Doctor of Sociology, NAS RA Academician, Director of the Institute of Philosophy,Ssociology and Law, NAS RA.
Safrastyan Ruben – Doctor of History, NAS RA Academician, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS RA
Suvaryan Yuri - Doctor of Economics, NAS RA Academician, Academician - Secretary of the Department of Humanities and Armenian Studies, NAS RA.