
Terms and Conditions for preliminary acceptance of the article:
а) Compliance with the journal format (theme, style, scientific system).
b) Publication of previously unpublished article.
c) The novelty of research article.
d) Methodological soundness of the paper.
e) Corresponding scientific background (the analytic article should have at least 15 book references).
f) The distinct structure (the articles with subdivisions are promoted, to be consisted of: introduction [with statement of the question, materials, methods], sub-issues, discussion-synthesis, conslusion).
g) Compliance with the requirements mentioned below.
h) The authors, who have no scientific degree (MS, PhD students) should submit a reference letter from supervisor/specialist (who should be at least PhD), according to the corresponding form (sent to the journal’s e-mail address as PDF file or submitted to the editorial office).
The authors with scientific degree should submit a recommendation letter from the institute/chair director or from the scientific council of the corresponding organization. The name of the recommending specialist, as well as the dates of the material presentation, review and publication are marked by editorial board in the first footnote of the article with an asterisk. c
The articles are also peer-reviewed.
i) In case of book reviews, besides stressing the strong points of the work, it is necessary to include critical reflections. The reviewer submits one example of the reviewed book to the editorial office.
Submission form - with data storage device (preferably the text in MS Word, illustrations in TIFF or high quality JPEG formats). Syllabification should not be used in the text. The name, surname and middle name of the author, his/her degree, workplace, e-mail address, and telephone should be written in the right corner of the first page. The article title, as well as the name of the author and his/her surname should be written in capital letters.
Language – the main language is Eastern Armenian (contemporary), the articles in English, Russian, French, German languages are also accepted.
Font – Sylfaen (the letter size of the text and summaries – 12, of the footnotes - 10).
Sizes – The margins of A4 page from all sides: 3.24 (top), 3.00 (bottom), 2.25 (left and right) cm, line spacing - Multiple 1.15. The articles and reports should not exceed 12 pages (for the non-degree authors) or 17 pages (for the authors with scientific degree). In case of articles of exceptional importance, the article can be up to 22 pages. The reviews and informative materials should not exceed 7 pages.
Illustrations – The drawings, black and white and color photographs must be submitted separately, in JPEG and TIFF formats, in consecutive order (fig./tab. 1, 2, 3 …), with the density of not less than 300 DPI (for photographs) and 600 DPI (for drawings). A “List of figures” should be attached to illustrations, with explanation of each figure and reference of its source in brackets. The illustrations downloaded from the Internet and without any reference will not be accepted.
Tables - Must be created using Word program, should have title and number.
References – The footnotes should be written in the following format: “author’s surname + year + page/figures”. The footnote reference must be inserted before the full point or comma. Successive names must be separated with a period. The references must be listed based on the publication year and not in alphabetic order. The expressions “opere citato” and “ibidem” are not used. Instead of “see” the term “compare” is preferable (for example, Adonts 1972, 45, fig. 17. Petrosyan 1980, 45. Cf. Martirosyan 1964, 87).
Bibliography – Should be added after the text. In corresponding numerical order should be listed the surname – the first letter of the name – the year – title – place of publication – printing house – pages. Acronyms must not be used. The publishing houses of the books and collected works and the places of publication of periodicals should be specified. The names of the editors in collected works should be mentioned. Examples:
Book – Adonts M. 1972, The History of Armenia, Yerevan, “Hayastan”, 430 p.
Article – Ter-Ghevondyan A. 1979, The Arabic Inscriptions of Haghbat and the Titles of Bagratuni Kings, Herald of Social Sciences, № 1, p. 73-80.
Series - Martirosyan H. A., Israelyan H.R. 1971, The Petroglyphs of Geghama Mountains, Archaeological Monuments of Armenia, vol. 6, Yerevan, “Academy Press”, 65 p.
Collection of works - Ghanalanyan A. 1981, Reflection of Architecture and Stone Art in the Armenian Folkloristics, Zaryan R. V. (ed.), The Second International Symposium dedicated to the Armenian Art, vol. 3, Yerevan, “Academy Press”, p. 55-75.
Primary sources – Movses Khorenatsi 1913, The History of Armenia, Translation and introduction by M. Abeghyan and S. Harutyunyan, Tbilisi, “Aragatip of M. Martirosyants”, 396 p.
The same structure should be kept in case of source, media and archive referencing. The internet references are acceptable only if they are taken from official web pages, have an author and a title. In the reference, at the end the upload date and year should be mentioned (e.g. Petrosyan V., The Problem of Armenian Identity,, upload date – 12.05.2017).
Footnotes – Are inserted in the bottom of the page, according to the same principle of the references. One should avoid large textual comments in the footnotes.
Abstracts and Key words – In Armenian, Russian and English. The text size should be approximately a half of page (around 1000 characters). The contents of abstracts written in different languages should be similar. The Abstracts must correspond to the text content and be presented in narrative and not annotative form (i.e. the same text should be presented in short). The name and surname of the author along with the article title should be also translated. Seven key words are to be listed after the abstracts.
Submission – The article may be sent to the e-mail address or submitted directly to the editorial office (Baghramyan Ave. 24 g, VI th floor, rooms 59 and 108).
Process – The author will be notified on the review results and publication process during 30 days after the article submission. After the mentioned time period, if there is no answer from the editorial office, the author can apply to the editorial office to find out in which issue the article would be published.
The first screening of the articles is done based on the compliance with the journal's format. The final selection is made according to the article content. Terms of publication depends on article submission date and completeness of its form and content.
Separate requests and instructions
Before sending the article to the editorial office, we ask you to examine the last issue of the journal in detail and write a text correspondingly, as the preliminary selection of the article depends on it. Besides the abovementioned criteria, you are asked to consider the following:
- Source Referencing: name+part+number (Khorenatsi II. 15)
- Manuscripts should be cited using their number (Matenadaran after Mashtots, no. 2751).
- Centuries in the Armenian and Russian texts should be mentioned in Latin (XI), whereas in case of other languages – in Arabic (11th).
- Underlined parts of the text should be italicized, whereas the subtitles can be bolded.
- Quotation marks should be used in this form: «…» (for Armenian, Russian, French), “…” ( for English), ), „…“ (for German).
- Only round brackets should be used (), and not square [ ] or oblique / / one.
- Hyphen should be used in short variant (- and not –) in all cases.
- References – in French and Russian all words should be written with lower-case letter, except the proper names (Fiey J.1970, Jalons pour une histoire de l’Eglise en Iraq, Louvain; Шумов С. 2002,Ирак: история, народ, культура, Москва); in English –all words should be written with a capital letter, except prepositions and articles (Smith J.P.1903, A Compendious Syriac Dictionary, Oxford); in German all nouns should be written with capital letters (Baumstark A.1922, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur mit Ausschluß der christlich-palästinensischen Texte, Bonn).
- Initials should be written without spaces (Hakobyan V.A.) and not in complete name (Vahan Hakobyan).
- Book digits should be abbreviated this way: vol. (Volume).
- Referencing a picture/table in the text, their abbreviations with capital letters must be used (Pic. 30/2, Table III/1).